A confession – I am addicted

I have a confession to make. I am an addict.

There – I said it. It feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulder.

And my addictions are many. But the biggest one is email.

What else would you call it?  The first thing I do when I get myself out of my bed? Check email.

But it is getting better. It used to be the last thing before I went to sleep. And the first thing even before I was out of bed. And then there was Facebook.

Now things are slightly better. There is no Facebook app on my phone. My 90 days without Facebook really helped.

Email no longer puts in a red notification on my Phone. That helps.

As all addicts, I have hope that I will overcome. And be fully present with the people that I am with, not checking my email, checking if someone else in the world had something to say to me.

Tell then….woo 3 more emails! I must be important!

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